You are much safer using DoHide = 0 in your preferences file rather than DoHide = 1. Although this slows down the rendering, some versions of PageStream have troubles with getting information from hidden pages.

Changes made to the preferences file using the variable editor are saved, but not to the preferences file itself (this file is never modified by the program). Should you change any values in your preferences file, you will need to select the "Load" button in the variable editor and re-load the preferences file for the changes to be read. Note that this will cause any previous changes made with the variable editor to be lost, so it is always best to keep your preferred default values set in the preferences file.

Both FWCalendar and FWCAddEvent use the same preferences file for initializing variables, so you should not change the preferences file between using FWCalendar and FWCAddEvent. See notes on the variable editor for more details.

If the right edge of the calendar is not printing to paper, adjust the Margin.Right setting in the variables to a value larger than 0.5 (the default).

If things are looking funny on your calendar (the colors are wrong (specifically, if you see a text block way up in the upper left corner in tiny print), the wrong fonts are showing up, or the font sizes are wrong) check the FWCLog.txt file for indications about colors or fonts not being found.

To create a portrait-oriented calendar that only fills the bottom-half of the page, change the Orientation variable to 'Tall' and modify the Margin.Left, Margin.Top, Margin.Bottom, and Margin.Right variables in the preferences file.